Customs Clearance

Customs Building in Shanghai on the Bund
Customs Building in Shanghai on the Bund

We Clear Your Freight

We offer a comprehensive customs clearance service. We prepare and handle everything from document preparation and handing in to monitoring and solving problems.
No matter what kind of goods you want to ship, our experienced staff will handle everything considering customs clearance.

Especially when importing to China, our good relations to customs officials help us to clear your freight swiftly and cost efficiently.



Efficient Customs Clearance

Our customs clearance service is an additional service to our freight forwarding solutions. In conjunction with our inbound warehousing service we can clear your freight fast and cost efficiently. As your freight can be cleared in our own warehouse the customs process is implemented as efficiently as possible and thus saves time and money.
Especially in China, customs policies and regulations are very strict and well controlled. Thus our experience and relationship with customs is of essential advantage. To find out more about customs clearance in China read the Article in our News and Articles area or visit the official China Customs website.